Monday, July 9, 2012

WEEK TWO: Teaching about Travel

The topic for the second week of the Summer English Program was international travel and vacations.  The San Sin students learned a new list of vocabulary words and focused on the steps involved in arranging trips.   They learned about travel agents, tour guides, itineraries, souvenirs, national parks, and the Seven Wonders of the World!

There is a wide range of abilities among the students in each class:  some have an extensive English vocabulary while others are more limited.  One thing the Taiwanese students all have in common is a love of sleep.  Every chance they get, before class, during breaks, after lunch.....they will sleep.  Teacher David decided that if you can't beat them, join them! 

After classes were finished for the day, Mr. Shih treated the teachers, teaching assistants, and Helen Lee to a Hot Pot lunch at a very big restaurant with lots of choices! It is safe to say that most of the teachers ate too much, especially since the many desserts were hard to resist........

A happy group travels on the bus to the Hot Pot restaurant.

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